Implementing a CPI Culture

For any Organization, Military or Commercial

by MAQ; Mike Maquet



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 23/06/2008

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 192
ISBN : 9781434376183
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 192
ISBN : 9781434396181

About the Book

Implementing a CPI Culture is written as a "HOW TO" Book which includes everything an organization needs to know when they are either trying out some process improvement activities or are Implementing a Continuous Process Improvement (CPI) Culture across their entire organization.  CPI is the fluid combination of principles and sub tools from the Process-Focused methodologies Lean, Six Sigma, and Theory of Constraints.

This book is unique because it is applicable to Military Organizations as well as Commercial Businesses.  MAQ has 35 years of experience in the USAF and US Army and helped generate the DoD CPI Guide. He is more than qualified to relate CPI to the Military environment.  He is a certified Level 2 and 3 Mentor for the USAF. 

The techniques identified in this book have been proven successful at several Air Force and Army Bases as well as private businesses.  They are similar to many techniques used throughout the Department of Defense and across industry.

Although every Military Service is using a different combination of the three techniques; Lean, Six Sigma, and Theory of Constraints, CPI combines all these techniques into a single approach that makes the best use of each sub tool when it is appropriate.

If you want to improve processes in your organization, this is the book to read and use. For more information on CPI, contact MAQ or Mike Maquet at


About the Author

MAQ and Michael Maquet are a Father/Son team that has been working Continuous Process Improvement for several years.  Their unique experiences and skills make the team dynamic and effective.

     MAQ spent 35 years in the USAF learning MBO, TQM, Transformation and finally Lean.  He graduated from the Air Force Academy in 1974 with a BS in Mathematics, Operational Research, which focuses on Maximizing Benefits and Minimizing Costs. He also has an MBA from Golden Gate University graduating in 1983.

      Michael graduated from Southern Utah University in 2003 with a BS in Psychology.  Mike is presently working on an MBA through Weber State University.  

      MAQ retired from the Air Force in 2005 and worked for the Air Force and with a consultant team of experts contracted by the  Department of Defense to study what the Services were doing in Process Improvement  and write the DoD CPI Guide. MAQ and Mike worked all of 2006 at Pope AFB to implement CPI in every functional group on base.  Mike worked for 2 months in Sri Lanka with a major clothing manufacturer, MAS, improving how they manufactured sports clothing.

      They both have also worked at several AF and Army bases teaching CPI and Facilitating CPI Team Events.  In Utah, MAQ and Mike are both Adjunct Faculty members for Weber State University and the Davis Applied Technology Center ( DATC), instructing and Mentoring managers on implementing a CPI Culture. They have worked with local Companies to implement CPI principles and they thrive on the team activities in commercial and military organizations.

      Through their M2M CPI. LLC, MAQ and Mike offer an entire suit of training courses, Event Facilitation, and Leadership Mentoring to Implement a CPI Culture in any organization and sustain the changes . See their Resumes and all the Services they offer at