The Underground Book of Good and Evil: Part 1

This book exposes the age old moral practices of the people and defines the true and revolutionary morality!

by Lawrence Johnson

Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 19/06/2008

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 228
ISBN : 9781434386175

About the Book

My knowledge about the fundamental nature of the human condition---the reality all of us face---is greatly advanced since my first book in 2003. With the addition of this book I have answered all but a few of my questions about Good and Evil and how to live in this world under the circumstances common to it. Citing the predominant problem of the world being the tribalist morality that most people subscribe to I offer an analysis of its essence and how to deal with it. I offer a new morality based on the facts of reality and show how to attain it. The ideas in all of my books represent nothing less than a revolution in the theory of what is considered ‘the Good’!

Civilization has never evolved past the ethics of tribalism and actually rules modern day man as it has all throughout the past. Across the world most of the teachings of morality in religion and philosophy revolve around the notion that self sacrifice for another is the highest good. Of course this isn’t what good is at all. Instead, the good is how the individual can live in accordance with his nature as man. His happiness depends on this and if these conditions are not met, then, he will suffer. They aren’t being met by the ‘old’ philosophies of tribalism and to prove my point just look around at the suffering and confusion that most people live in.

If you have become disillusioned by life and can discern that it is a result of what the people hold as good, I offer you a way out of your confusion and a way into your happiness.

About the Author

I have known since a child that power trips were evil. Aged 3 years old, my brothers first used them on me and I knew immediately that the power trips were wrong. In defense of this I built a shell around myself and wouldn’t let anyone in. I carried on through childhood and into my adult life with my shell intact. I never power tripped anyone else and in general none power tripped me. I knew even at that early age of 3 that a system of guidance, a philosophy, was going to be necessary in order to live life.


            Upon reaching adult life I searched for a philosophy that would explain things. I found Ayn Rand’s philosophy of Objectivism and studied it for some 13 years. That just wasn’t enough to help me live. I then turned toward New Age thought and came across God’s channeled books by Ceanne DeRohan. This did it for me—well that, and my own discoveries of most of the knowledge in my books that I reasoned out from my own resources and studiousness. I now know enough to live a happy life and that is exactly what I am doing. My books are a chronicle of my growing understanding over the past 5 years. They show just how I ‘got a life’ for anyone interested.