A Struggle for Normal
Book Details
About the Book
As the California Limited sped southward through the long, flat When the train lurched through a switch block, he rubbed his eyes awake and leaned forward to stare through the window, streaked with rivulets of moisture and partially blackened by smoke blown back from the big Thomas was returning home from the Great War battered and disillusioned, his once youthful patriotism broken on the reality of mortal combat. His muscular young body had been ripped open twice, leaving him with a jagged shoulder scar and a leg wound that would impact the rest of his life. He had killed and seen his close comrades killed.
About the Author
“A novelist with much passion and conviction.” “His work is extremely appealing for its historical relevance and worthy theme”. “His writing is solid.”
That’s how editors have described the writing of Richard K. Moore. A Struggle for