Speak My Soul

Poems on Migrations and Returns of a Native Son

by Rudolph V. Vanterpool



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 26/09/2011

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 380
ISBN : 9781463437404
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 380
ISBN : 9781463437411

About the Book

Speak My Soul addresses the challenges, strivings, aspirations, anxieties, and perplexities of the human condition. The author's prose form is stylistically free. Characteristically, several of his poems are composed with meticulous attention to rhyming tendencies, while at other times he just lets lines flow as they come to birth in his soul. He tries to locate liberating speech-acts that are able to resonate intimately, from a universal standpoint, with readers of his prose. The book's four-part organization is meant to take readers along on a reflective odyssey through a web of lived-experiences. The idea of the self is the foundational thought and accordingly becomes the core preoccupation of Part One of the text. What is there about personal identity that captivates our imagination to such a degree that we want to talk about ourselves? We aren't solitary souls wandering this earth. Part Two sets its sights upon the presence of others within the zones of our activities. We are a global family of thinking, connected living human beings. In a sort of paradoxical sense, we can come to know ourselves better when we are self-consciously aware of how we are gazed upon by others. Part Three turns to a vertical gaze heavenward. The author seeks to place into the foreground the believer's earthly pilgrimage. What exactly is the point of this spiritual conversion that persuades us of an ultimate other-worldly citizenship? The writer is a practicing professional philosopher. He confirms his love for philosophy by sharing pearls of his familiarity with wisdom's terrains --the multi-faceted adventures of the life of the mind. He does, however, reckon with the limitations of a thoroughgoing naturalistic philosophical temperament. His consciousness of the human condition and of the life world at large is informed by larger cosmic considerations--an eternalistic point of view Vanterpool speaks of as "transcendism ". Vanterpool openly meditates upon the walk of faith as the center piece of a life that is lived well and more completely. The tenets of natural reason fall short in this regard.

About the Author

Rudolph V. Vanterpool (Ph.D.), is Professor of Philosophy and former Chairman of the Philosophy Department at California State University, Dominguez Hills. Dr. Vanterpool, a graduate of Wheaton College in Illinois, earned his doctorate in philosophy from Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, Illinois, and his JD. from The University of West Los Angeles School of Law. He has published scholarly articles in professional journals in his fields of expertise (Ethics & Value Theory; Philosophy of Law) as well as authoring chapters in anthologies. In 1999 he was named CSU Outstanding Professor at California State University, Dominguez Hills for exemplary teaching, scholarship, and professional service, His new released book, In Job's Sandals; From Riches to Rags to Rewards” (Vantage Press), has been just released in April 2010) Professor Vanterpool's pragmatically based philosophical training has provided him with strong academic and literary foundations to write the present poetry manuscript, Speak My Soul. An advocate of interdisciplinary studies, Vanterpool is not a one-dimensional thinker with a worldview limited to mastery of abstract philosophical concepts and theories. His publications are informed by his knowledge of legal issues, ethical considerations, and cultural and religious concerns. Speak My Soul remains true to the spirit of his eclectic professional outlook There is something in this volume of poetry that should interest academicians and laypersons alike. He is a Caribbean-American visionary poet committed to creating poetry that speaks to our common finite Circumstance as members of the human family. Rather than dwelling on narrow parochial cultural preferences, he aims to craft poems that have universality of appeal. Readers of Speak My Soul will come away from the text feeling that the topics covered resonate with their own concrete life histories. Irrespective of nationality, race, gender, or religion, poetic expression can function as an intellectually liberating vehicle for better understanding ourselves, our world, and the hereafter.