Orion Too

by Bill Wonders



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 25/08/2008

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 256
ISBN : 9781438904122
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 256
ISBN : 9781438904139

About the Book

Orion Too is a business/ people managment book with a unique approach.  Author shares with readers an adventurous outdoor hunting journey into the "Last Frontier" of Alaska.  He takes time throughout the journey to reflect back on over 35 years of human resource management.  Reflections include comments on the many posiitive changes that have taken place in business.

The book is written in a humorous and coversational way readers will find enjoyable.  Many "real-life" work examples are provided that support principles of disciplined, cost effective and professional human resource management.

In business we are all people managers and too often we miss opportunities to extract the best work performance.  Often these opportunities cost little financially yet secrure outstanding performance results. Author submits these people management ideas with actual work site examples.

This book is fun to read and yet provides a great learning opportunity.

About the Author

Bill Wonders holds an MBA degree with over thirty-five years experience in human resource management and general business management.  He recently retired from Gould Electronics Inc. as vice president of human resources and currently serves as president of Woods and Water LLC.  Bill, a member of the Alaska Writers Guild, has written a wide array of internal and external business publications as well as aviation articles and articles on outdoor recreation.

Orion Too is his first book and a manuscript for a second book Hunter or Hunted, North 63.50 West 147.50, will be completed in 2009.