Good Fences Make Good Neighbors
Opinions of a Sheep Herder
Book Details
About the Book
For those of us who live in
In this volume you will find a number of these important issues discussed at length from the perspective of a common working person. Those who would have you believe they have all knowledge can be very blatant, shrill and even obnoxious in their effort to make their position known. This book has turned that around and used the same tactics in an honest effort to show that there is another side to be considered.
The author speaks directly and to the point offering many points of personal experiences and circumstances known to all as means to make point and counter point on these subjects.
This book could have easily been seventeen books but the author took the position that writing directly and to the point on each subject leaving out all of the usual chatter makes the book more interesting, more readable and much more direct and enjoyable.
This book will make you laugh, think, and wonder. The author has a background of many experiences nearly all of which are those of any working person. He was not only a sheep herder, he was a driver and body guard for President Reagan, a business manager truck driver, organized crime investigator, soldier, Realtor and a hundred other things and he designed engineered and built his own home.
What is written here is the writers opinion and it will not always agree with the common beliefs and mores of society---A joy to read.
About the Author
The author of this book is a simple person of a poverty beginning and good family values. His experiences in life are not usual in that he has seen first hand, life from a durt farmer to the highest levels of world power. He is for the most part self educated and a devout believer in a higher power. He speaks directly and to the point. He gives no quarter to those who take advantage of those less priveledged people who are the soul of freedom. After working for nearly fifty years and becoming disabled and unable to find work, rather than sit and wait for others to come to his aid, he went to work and wrote a book. The book is his opinions mixed with common sense. His insights are of value and he has a somewhat unique ability to see what is coming. He predicted the housing crisis years ago as well as the Wall Street melt down. He saw and predicted the border problem before anyone was paying any attention to it. He is a believer in the past being a way to see the future. He mixes fact, belief and humor in a unique way. You will enjoy his book.