Godmother Quote's of Gangsta-ology 101:

The Poetic Confessions of a Goddess

by Heather Maria Ramirez



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 31/08/2011

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 316
ISBN : 9781449027599
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 316
ISBN : 9781449027582

About the Book

Heather Maria Ramirez is making a unique mark with her pen for the world of readers. She is an inspirational speaker for women in struggle across the world. People from all lifestyles attend to hear her poetic flow of motivational and inspirational speaking in such places as teen pregnancy centers, high schools, battered women shelters, and correctional facilities for women, and her book signing events. This writer has touched the hearts of readers all over the world with her GODMOTHER QUOTE'S and advice about life lessons, of how to keep your head up when trying to rise up out of negative atmospheres. Godmother Quote's of Gangsta-ology 101 the Poetic Confessions of a Goddess was a true classic in the making. The Godmother takes her readers to school with this book. The poetic flow and short stories in this book are breathtaking, eye opening, and uplifting tales about human experience. The Godmother believes all good women learn from the examples set by other good women. Being a teacher is not an easy job, but the Godmother gives nada but the best learning experience to her students. Are you a reader who is ready to pass this course of Gangsta-ology 101? Well, there is only one way to find out. The bell has rung students, so have a seat, pay attention, and open the book, because class is in session! Just what kind of Gangstress are you . . . Are you a survivor . . . Oh, yeah, then prove it, because the Godmother is calling ya bluff . . . Heather Maria Ramirez is an internationally known and an award-winning writer. This book is remarkable and unforgettable. It is a different kind of gangsta with a classy and unique kind of flow. She is known as the flyest writer! The flyest of them all . . .

About the Author

Heather Maria Ramirez is a writer of many things and she has been dropping one classy book after another. With this fly writer, readers will never know what to expect from her next. She has beautiful children, an adorable cat, and a spoiled little Shih Tzu girl dog named Princess Shiloh. Heather Maria Ramirez is still seeking her law education, and stays very busy, being a mom and writer. Stay on the look -out for her other upcoming novels, which are sure to keep her fans and readers entertained with one amazing read after another. Heather Maria Ramirez is a vegetarian and a supporter of animal rights and shelters. One of her new novels to be released soon is titled- The Book of Letters, which is a remarkable collection of writings. She will also paint each letter from that book to canvas to sell at auction to support animal rescue organizations. This hot selling new author has been referred to as the new queen of the writers’ world and after reading one of her novels; readers will surely agree that this writer has an unforgettable writing talent. She is an award-winning writer. HER BOOKS HAVE BEEN SAID TO BE BETTER THAN REALITY TELEVISION SHOWS… Find books by Heather Maria Ramirez on many on line sites or catch her at a book signing. Heather Maria Ramirez has written a book of songs and has headed to Nashville Tennessee in search of the right voices to bring her beautiful songs to life. This writer is without a doubt making her mark on the world. She will surely continue to climb to the top of success within her writing career.