The Last Days

And The angels of God that are assigned to your life.

by Leatrice Renee Crisler-Draper



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 15/04/2010

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 144
ISBN : 9781449054724

About the Book

This book gives you revelation concerning the last days and exposes Satan and his agenda, his motives and his strategies to destroy all mankind. This book helps you to see and to Know Jesus Christ for who He is which is the Son of God, the God of restoration and eternal Life. It also helps you to recognize and to know Satan for who he really is which is the god of death and destruction. You’re not in this world alone. God will never leave you or forsake you. He will be with you till the end of time. This book will encourage you, edify you, and give you wisdom and instructions on how to release your ministering angels to fight for you, aid you, protect you, and to work for you. The angels of God are sent here to bring you into your wealthy place which God has prepared for you, to help you reign and to walk in the realm of fulfillment and to fulfill your destiny.

About the Author

God has given Leatrice Crisler-Draper the anointing, the power and a creative ability to write and to be an Apostolic and Prophetic voice in the earth in theses last days and in this end time move of God. God has given her a revelation concerning the last days and to expose Satan an his agenda, motives and his strategy to destroy all mankind. God has given her insight on angelic provision to aid you in your purposes upon the earth, to fight and to war for you against the enemy. Leatrice Ren’ee Crisler-Draper has an heart for all mankind to see and to know Satan for who he really is which is the god of death and destruction. She also want all mankind to see and to Know Jesus Christ for who He is which is the God of restoration and eternal Life.