Laughing Kitbags
Book Details
About the Book
Laughing kitbags came about because so many people said that I should write a book when I left the Royal Navy about the funnier times. The times you do not get to read about in everyday newspapers! I, like so many others have many a `dit` to tell and I, like many others tell these stories over & over again. Why?, because they are hilarious but most of all, they represent the `hard play` which was expected after `hard work` which was paramount throughout the RN in the 70s and 80s. The `dits` have been written in a way as to have the reader hopefully feeling that he/she was there at the time. At most times throughout the book the content is of an adult nature, verging almost on explicit!! It is though written with passion,truth and priceless experiences.
About the Author
The Author originates from Sunderland in the North East of England of who`s only boyhood dream and wishes was to join the Royal Navy on leaving school. Having listened to stories of the high seas from his father who was ex RN, his joining date could not come quick enough! Having completed 23 years in the Fleet Air Arm as a Helicopter Engineer, he left in 2002 whereupon memories of years gone by started flooding back and so `Laughing Kitbags` was written. During his career the Author was questioned by one of his family that "He thought more of his Navy mates than he did his own family"....The Authors reply was, "I work with them, wash,eat,drink with them. Share my money with them,socialise,laugh,cry and fight with them. Share everything from my car to shampoo with them. Share good & bad times with them even (and this has only been a few times)....share women with them, so yes I suppose in a way I do think more of them but its a totally different way, a way that I would not expect any of my family to understand for this is total comradeship"...the Authors family member understood. Still with serving and ex Navy friends around him, the Author now lives and works in the South West. He is married to Melanie and has children Lorna,George and Millie.