Kyle Oaks: The Trilogy

Kyle Oaks: Fight for the Throne, Unknown Threat and A Traitor on Nighta; Now all in one book!!

by Justus Stewart



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 10/08/2010

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 236
ISBN : 9781452058306
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 236
ISBN : 9781452058313

About the Book

King Kyle is a young King on the planet Nighta. After being sent to Earth and losing his memory by Larry, the evil dentist, King Kyle not only have to get his memory back, but also must make it back to Nighta and save his throne. Can King Kyle's new Earth friends help him out? All through the 'Kyle Oaks' trilogy, King Kyle, his brother and his Earth friends face many obstacles while protecting Nighta. In the 'Unkown Threat', they have to figure out how to defeat a powerful dragon. Who sent it? How can it not be killed? Where did it get all it's power from? Can they figure this all out before it is too late? In the 'Traitor on Nighta'; who would want to take over Nighta? Jordan, his own brother? Is he jealous of King Kyle? Is he even an Oaks? Who told him his family history? Is it Placido? He was once a great king and then imprisoned!! Who let him out, what does he know about the Golden Griffin? Maybe it is his Earth friends!! They are not Nightans. How can they trust an Earthling anyways? All the answers to these questions and more are right here in this trilogy!! Follow the adventure and enjoy 'Kyle Oaks' filled with magic, dragons, knights and kings.

About the Author

Justus Stewart lives in upstate New York. He has two and two sisters. Justus started reading when in the hospital for several weeks with an illness when he was 6 years old. He started writing 'Kyle Oaks' at age 8 and was first published by age 9. 'Kyle Oaks' was a vision Justus had when he noticed kids his age was not reading books he enjoyed, such as Harry Potter, Narinia and other novels. Knowing how it also felt about being in a hospital for a period of time, a portion of sales from the 'Kyle Oaks' trilogy was donated to the St. Jude's Children Hospital, by money and care packages. At age 10, Justus also wrote a poem about the Iraq War which is included in this book. It is a view about how he thought kids felt about the War. He has been awarded a 'Shining Star' award from ACAP and a Proclamation from the New York State Senate. He also received letters from President Bush and Senator Little for all his efforts for writing. Today, Justus still enjoys reading but also enjoys playing the piano, guitar and drums and has a band with his friends. Justus is proud of 'Kyle Oaks' and hopes you enjoy reading 'Kyle Oaks' as much as he has writing it. ENJOY READING!!!