In Search of Happiness

Through Love, Positive Attitude, Good Relations and Spirituality

by Ashok Gulla



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 30/03/2010

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 316
ISBN : 9781449099053
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 316
ISBN : 9781449099060

About the Book

Every person has a right to be happy, no matter in whatever condition he or she is placed in life. Happiness does not come automatically nor does it remain with us for all the time. It requires nurturing with a right attitude and better understanding of our goals in life.

Sometimes, people have attitudes and hold certain beliefs that bring a lot of pain and turmoil in their lives. The search for happiness starts with re-examining issues that bring us trials and tribulations. A simple way to have a fulfilling life is to love others. Loving others requires care, understanding, tolerance and patience. Family, relations and friends are a source of steadfast support and bring purpose to our lives. In today's world, wealth, professional status and society have a lot of influence on our well being and happiness. People feel wealth or professional success alone is sufficient to provide happiness; often, thereby losing balance in life.

People talk about religion and spirituality that provide different perspective of human life. Each person is spiritual in essence and has inner spiritual needs to be fulfilled, to achieve peace, calmness and long term happiness. Spirituality helps us to resolve many of the problems of life, provided we take it with faith.

We can bring happiness in our lives through having better values, understanding and a positive outlook. This book deliberates on each aspect of life, be it love, attitude, family, society, profession, wealth, health, religion and spirituality, and discusses instances where we tend to err in our understanding. The focus of this book is to raise awareness of these issues so that readers can understand the relevance of these issues in their lives; and realize that current perception and outlook needs re look.

About the Author

Ashok Gulla did Masters and Pre Doctoral studies in Physics and was awarded a Gold Medal from the University of Kashmir, India. He went on to complete his Masters in Business Administration (MBA) and a course in Costing and Management Accounting. He is an Associate Member of Cost and Works Accountants of India.

He is a banker by profession; for the past 26 years he has worked in Credit, Loan Syndication, Head of Branch operations and in Asset- Liability Management. He has written a book on `Liquidity Management' for Indian Institute of Bankers.

During the past fifteen years, the author has developed an interest in spirituality. His spiritual practice has been useful to know about personal values, morals, attitudes and behavior; and how these impact all of us. He has met a lot of people and travelled to different places in the course of his profession; this has helped him in looking at life and relationships with a wider perspective. He has written more than fifty articles on relationship and family, attitudes, spirituality and lifestyle. He is also the author of “Creating Values in Life” that deliberate on personal, moral, spiritual, family and social values.