
A New World

by Roger W. Coltey



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 17/06/2010

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 400
ISBN : 9781452022017

About the Book

As more and more of the earth’s resources are removed from within, physical forces will be altered. Science is hard at work trying to find a way to prevent a catastrophe. Satellites and even people on the space station are studying the planets changing properties. Will people on the space station be the only humans to survive some great catastrophe? What will become of them and the future of the human species as we know it?

About the Author

The author has served twenty years in the military and has been acutely interested in the paranormal and in alien beings from outer space. He is worried about the way this planet is being taken apart by deep earth drilling, mining and other methods of removing some of the earth’s inner core. What will happen when the natural physical stresses are altered? How will the human populace react? Will they survive?