by Marc W. Garvin



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 29/11/2010

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 100
ISBN : 9781452063713

About the Book

Man is a highly sexual animal and one of the few members of the Animal Kingdom to use sex for recreational purposes. Consequently, there is no gain in trying to downplay or deny it, sex plays an enormous role in our lives. In this book the author has attempted to describe in an open and honest discussion, many of the conditions that led him to the featured relationships. The reader may follow the material with one of two objectives in mind: firstly, with the primary intention of being judgmental, in that case, welcome home for you are about to find plenty to be opinionated about; or secondly, with the hope to find something to learn or to avoid. If so is the case, hopefully you will come across the answer you seek.

About the Author

Consummated traveler, experienced builder and engineer, essayist and visionary. After writing hundred of technical articles, Mr. Garvin is now a dedicated writer on travel, political, social and human behavioral issues. His work is written in every day common language and his topics are focused on the needs and interests of the regular man on the street.