What Role Did I Play Volume II

Life Skills for Discussion

by Mike Siver



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 25/03/2011

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 124
ISBN : 9781456700539
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 124
ISBN : 9781456700546

About the Book

“What Role Did I Play” This is book # 2 in a series of self help books and consists of 52 different life skills anecdotes. These anecdotes are from everyday situations or quotes and expounded for individual reflection and use in family and group discussions. This book is written for individuals looking for self improvement or to reflect upon situations where they have found themselves uncomfortable or rejected. It is also written for families of any composition seeking a diagnosis of attitudes and behaviors. It is also most helpful (as book #1) for new or young parents planning to have or have children in the informative years. The intention of these books is to create insight and inform individuals and families and groups of the short and long term consequences of their words and actions.

About the Author

Mike is a Master Addiction Counselor, Certified Domestic Violence Counselor and a Board Certified Biblical Counselor. Mike provides Anger Management, Domestic Violence, Substance Abuse counseling and assessments for Van Buren County and Decatur C.A.R.E.S. inc. a Non-Profit (501 c 3) community based organization. Also works with Van Buren County Family Services for placement of mothers and children from family of domestic violence situations. He is also a Chaplain for Forgotten Man Ministries.

Mike's purpose is to target the young but address issues we find ourselves in at any age.

The uniqueness of his writings generates pointed conversation. Not only is each saying enough to be thought provoking but people hear, see and feel them every day. To make the topic more interesting for all, Mike has expanded on the topic to generate discussion about that topic. The quotes/sayings and expanded sections open the topic for serious discussion. This is accomplished by giving the quotes/sayings a twist that tends to make what is written personal. By making the quotes/sayings personal in a non-threatening environment people tend not to become defensive and may enter into the conversation.

Mike does not offer “the” answer but an opinion for discussion. His book is directed (like his column) to the general public and or anyone who feels a need to address themselves and or those around them. Mike uses the book in groups for discussion on behaviors and attitudes. It would be effective in youth groups i.e. Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, church youth groups, rehab facilities and groups to address beliefs and behaviors. It would be effective for young families to address issues without the parents being the bad guys.