Fusion by Nadia

A Quilting of Flavors From Iraq, Israel and America

by Aviva Nadia Kleinbaum & Aric Mutchnick



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 29/12/2010

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x11
Page Count : 324
ISBN : 9781452095059

About the Book

It is rare nowadays for a son to get the opportunity to spend time with his mother, especially when it is not a holiday or tragic event. The following recipes are the result of over two and a half years of arguments, fighting, aggravation, and love. While this may not be the most perfectly refined example of modern cookery, it has heart and many great recipes. This cookbook is also a story. It is the journey of a woman as seen through her son’s eyes. The stories paint a picture of Iraq, Israel, America and most of all, my mother’s remarkable journey, all with the purpose of bringing the reader new ideas, flavors and attitudes to cooking. This book embodies all the joy that comes with feeding the ones you love (and even those that you don’t.)

—Aric Mutchnick

This cookbook is not about the right way of cooking, it is about an attitude towards cooking. A recipe is just a guideline for your creativity and love to flourish. Cooking is about learning, not following the rules. Change any ingredients you like, create your own recipe, and learn from your children. I learned that is there is no formula for raising kids, only love and trying what works. Cooking is no different; it is about love and figuring out what gives you joy. I have never met a recipe I did not change. In cooking, the only authenticity you must pledge loyalty to is yourself.

—Aviva Nadia Kleinbaum

About the Author