The Vision of All

by Curtis A. Routley



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 21/11/2011

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 132
ISBN : 9781463427245

About the Book

The Vision Of All is the first book to contain a sequential flow of Bible Prophecy. It does not contain the doctrines and traditions of men. Reanalyzing the foundational scriptures for the doctrine of the revival of the Roman Empire; it asks the one question whose answer completely destroys the doctrine and leads to the identity given by the Lord Himself: the King of Assyria who will be the ruler of the union of Syria and Iraq. You see, native born Roman citizens did not destroy the temple, Jerusalem, and the nation of Israel. The Lord Himself said (Isaiah 7:14-20) that Assyrians and Egyptians would do this job after the son was born of the virgin. Since the word of the Lord is true, Assyrians and Egyptians came to do the job. Were they Roman soldiers when they came? Yes they were. The Roman General Titus used the Tenth Fretensis from Damascus, Syria, and the Fifteenth Appolonaris from Alexandria, Egypt. Were they Roman citizens when they came? Yes they were, but only by means of draft inducement. Goodby revival of the Roman Empire. Hello, King of Assyria. The second ‘Lord Himself’ passage likewise does away with the doctrine of Rapture Next theology. (1 Thessalonians 4:13-18) Verses 16 and 17 clearly read the ‘catching up’ follows ‘the dead in Christ rising first’. So the answer to the question of “When does the Rapture occur?” was always easy, it was after the Resurrection. Martha knew the resurrection took place “on the last day.”(John 11:22-24) Even the Lord said He would raise them up on the last day. (John 6:38-40) I do not believe the Lord God of Creation was confused about what He said; so end your confusion and believe what He said. Then prophecy is simple.

About the Author

At the age of seven, I was saved at a Youth for Christ meeting in Cudahy, Wis. When I was ten, I read the Bible for the first time. Then I said, “What kind of a book is this Revelation? The rest of the Bible is understandable; but not this Revelation.” So whenever Jude was read, Genesis was started again. At sixteen, finishing Jude, I said” I’m older now, I understand more now so maybe if I read it again, God will show me something in that book to understand. Revelation chapter nine jumped out at me. I knew what John was looking at, causing him to write the words he used. It was a perfect description, for a man from 2000 years ago. When you see what he is seeing, you understand the words he has recorded. Unfortunately for you this chapter and another had to be removed in 1979; to keep the flow of this book. Those two chapters and more will be in my second book, Running Prophecy. When I entered the United States Air Force, I went through three major fields of training. From Undergraduate Navigator Training, I learned how to use and make maps. From Bombardier Training, I learned all about the Atomic Bomb. After serving as a navigator, I went to pilot training and became an instructor pilot. Every one of these courses were necessary for me to learn and be able to see, what men of old saw, and spoke of, when I began to study Bible Prophecy. This book does not teach what others teach. It is the first sequential presentation of prophecy. The teaching at the core of the book is about to jump upon this world, and you have not even heard of it.