Tristan and the Magical Vegetable Stew

by Nava Tel-Or



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 23/02/2011

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x11
Page Count : 36
ISBN : 9781456770242

About the Book

The imaginary Land of Jijonia is populated by creatures called Jijons. The book is a tale about chubby Tristan who loves all food very much apart from vegetables which he refers to as those "green and orange things that grow". One day his friends decide that it is time to step in and help him change his dietary habits by introducing him to a magical vegetable stew. Read the book and find out what happened to our hero Tristan and may be you will be able to help your children (and also yourselves) gain new dietary habits as well as self-confidence and a new outlook on life.

About the Author

Nava Tel-Or, the Author, was born in Haifa, Israel. While still an infant, her family traveled to Hamburg, Germany, due to her father's work, and they have lived there for seven years. In Germany, Nava studied in international institutions from a very young age, starting with kindergarten and ending with the fourth grade. At home the family spoke Hebrew and in school Nava learned both English and German. Nava's encounter with different languages made her realize that this was the field she was blessed in. Therefore, she has worked all the years in translations and other language proficiencies. Nava has a Bachelor of Art Degree in English Language and Literature.