The Animal's Secret Kingdom

Unidom and the Earld

by J.J. True



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 19/12/2011

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x11
Page Count : 80
ISBN : 9781456777647

About the Book

The Animal's secret Kingdom is the first in a series of books I have planned. The first book is basically the introduction, as the subject matter is so vast, but in order to pave the way for future book titles, a background study of the kingdom is required. The kingdom is divided into two, the first, for all the extinct animals whose leader is Sapphire, a magnificent, magestic Unicorn; their kingdom which is called Unidom is situated beneath our feet, in a subterranean place of wonder, magic and beauty. and is where the Palace and Government are situated.The second, for all the animals, birds and creepy crawlies in the Earld who are the spies for the kingdom. The sole purpose of the secret kingdom is to keep a watchful eye on MAN and they have to be one step ahead of MAN to stop him, or at least delay him, in his road to destruction through his greed for wealth.The main character after Sapphire is Sollitaire (her personal assistant) Dom Raphus (in charge of Internal Affairs in Unidom) and Terra Rodriguez (in charge of External Affairs in the Earld). All three are Dodo birds that originated from the island of Reunion and they were required in the kingdom as were all the other Dodo birds [(workers)from the neighbouring island of Mauritius and thus the species became extinct in the world. My intention in this book and the books that will follow is to explain the unexplained . I also want to entice children into looking at everything in depth and not taking things at face value; that there is more than what meets the eye. I also want to encourage children to look for beauty within themselves and others and throughout our magnificent world.

About the Author

My father was a Squadron Leader with the Royal Air Force and he was sent out to Africa during the war to train pilots. My mother was a nursing sister and they met and married whilst he was stationed out there. My elder sister and I were born in Zimbabwe and I was educated in both Zimbabwe and Zambia. When I left school I wanted to go to University to become a Librarian but just berfore I enrolled I was offerred a job in the Bank and it became my chosen career for 18 years in Salisbury [Harare] and then in Durban and Cape Town, South Africa and then in a Cash Office in England for 11years. I am now widowed and I have one daughter and I work two jobs at present. I have written and illustrated the two books and I have further ideas for the sequels. I have also patented two inventions which I would like to get out into the Marketplace. My father was an unpublished short story writer and my mother was an avid letter writer so perhaps the yearning to write is in the blood.