The Adventures of Hermie The Hermit Crab.

Finding a New Shell

by Doreen D. Alfano



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 07/06/2012

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x8.5
Page Count : 24
ISBN : 9781468554922

About the Book

When he finally realized he was looking at himself in the glass he almost fell over. Apparently Samantha had given him a special new treat alright because he now had rainbow colored spots painted all over his shell. Join Hermie on his adventure and see what happens next.

About the Author

As a mother of three I am blessed with the opportunity to jump back to my own childhood memories through the wonderful imagination of my children. We giggle and laugh everyday as we take on new adventures. I hope as you read my book to a child it will take you on a new adventure and make you both giggle and laugh as we do.