Fuzzy Winkerbane

The Boy Who Would Never Change

by Matt Stahl



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 22/06/2011

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x11
Page Count : 28
ISBN : 9781463407582

About the Book

Fuzzy Winkerbane is a little boy who revels in wreaking havoc. He has terrorized his entire neighborhood, and irritated everyone he has ever met...except his dear old neighbor Mrs. Goodenall. She sees goodness where others see none. Will her kindness endure as Fuzzy puts her friendship to the test? Will Fuzzy Winkerbane ever change? Or, will he forever be known as the boy who will never change?

About the Author

Matthew Stahl was born in Rhode Island, but never lived there. He spent the first 18 years of his life in Massachusetts, haunted middle America for four years and then triumphantly returned to Massachusetts with a degree, no money, no job and a strong desire to become a writer. Throughout his brief existence on this planet Matt has held down a variety of jobs including, but not limited to and in no specific order; an elementary school teacher, a taco maker, a dish washer, an elementary school principal, a graveyard shift gas station attendant, a waiter, a bartender and the person who cleans up parking lots after concerts. Matt currently lives in Lowell, Massachusetts with his family and is the principal of three elementary schools…yes…three schools. Outside of reading, writing and searching for Jack Kerouac, Matt enjoys playing soccer, molding young minds and having his heart broken every year by his beloved Boston Bruins. Fuzzy Winkerbane is Matt’s first book and, according to him, is the beginning of a brilliant career as a struggling writer.