The Magic Glasses

by Susan Dalton



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 30/05/2012

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x8.5
Page Count : 36
ISBN : 9781468525861

About the Book

Marlo has found a pair of glasses in the garden today. But these aren't just any old glasses - these glasses are magic! Who do they belong to? What does Marlo see when she puts them on? Join Marlo on her adventure with The Magic Glasses and as she learns an important lesson about friendship. Watch for the following new titles by Susan Dalton Where's My Red Mitten and Grandpa Too? Willie's Amazing Couch Adventure If Snow Were Purple I Would Love the Winter to be published in 2012!

About the Author

Susan Dalton is a teacher, a parent and a visual artist who has both taught and learned from many friends, students and family. She believes her creative talents are a gift that should be shared through colourful stories that contain humour and a little wisdom. Writing children's books has been a lifelong dream and one that she is excited to see fulfilled. Susan describes herself as an optimist who believes in the strength of people. It is the people around her who are the inspiration for her books and her artwork. Susan shares her life in Canada with her husband Geoff, her grown daughter Marlo and many beloved four-legged friends.