Fight of the Phoenix

Order of the Delta Dragon

by LTC Roy E. Peterson



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 08/07/2011

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 228
ISBN : 9781463417727
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 228
ISBN : 9781463417734

About the Book

Fight of the Phoenix is a historical personal account of duties as an Advisor in the Delta of Vietnam in 1972. The author counters claims of other Advisors and Academics and sets the record straight on the vicious nature of the Communist insurgency that killed their own people and the spectacular success of the Phoenix Program throughout the country and especially in the Delta Region MR-4 in targeting and neutralizing the enemy Viet Cong insurgents.

About the Author

LTC Roy Peterson as an Army Captain was a Phoenix Program Advisor in Vietnam in 1972 and one of the last Americans in the Delta of Vietnam. LTC Peterson served at Military Region 4 Headquarters first as the Legal Advisor and Interpreter/Briefer to the Military Assistance Commander and Deputy for CORDS. With the American drawdown of troops, LTC Peterson acquired successive duties including Operations, MR-4 Advisor with Counterpart, and Advisor to the National Police.

Phoenix was the military version of the CIA ICEX Program and was designed by the CIA and deployed by the Army to neutralize the Viet Cong Infrastructure in South Vietnam through any and all means necessary including assassination. As an Army Captain, Roy Peterson aggressively pursued the goals and intentions of the program to the maximum in an advisory capacity while Phoenix was transitioning under “Vietnamization” into the Phung Hoang Program with all activities under Vietnamese control.

LTC Peterson was a Military Intelligence Unit Commander, Army Attache in Moscow (See his book, American Attache in the Moscow Maelstrom), Manager of all US Army Security Clearances, the Military Intelligence Advisor on the Army Staff in the Pentagon, Commander of the INF Portal Monitors in Votkinsk, Russia, and was assigned to various undisclosed duties and locations.

After retirement, LTC Peterson was the first US Department of Commerce, Foreign Commercial Officer in Vladivostok, Russia Far East; first IBM Regional Manager in the Russian Far East; President of his own exporting company; and taught for the University of Phoenix.

LTC Peterson holds two MA (University of Arizona and University of Southern California) degrees and one MBA degree (University of Phoenix and completed work for the doctorate. He is a graduate with honors from the US Army Russian Institute in Garmisch, Germany and the Military Assistance Security Advisor Course at the JFK Center at Fort Bragg. LTC Peterson is an expert in Soviet/Russian affairs, Diplomacy, American History, Political Science, Global Business Management, American Politics, Global/International Trade, International Relations, and World Politics. LTC Peterson authored American Attache in the Moscow Maelstrom, Between Darkness and Light, and Magnetism to Marriage.