Silly Sisters

by Mike Kurilovitch



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 22/08/2012

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x11
Page Count : 32
ISBN : 9781477260111

About the Book

"Silly Sisters" is the second entry in the Alliterative Alphabet Series of everyday stories told in alliterative style: a fun, tongue-twisty way of telling stories designed to pique the interest of young readers, while also encouraging their writing skills. Not only is the story told in alliterative fashion, but amazingly, EVERY WORD of the story starts with the same letter -- S. Each line builds upon the last by adding one additional word. The result is a diamond "shape" poem; a real "gem," you might say, about two silly sisters who like to sing and frolic and be the center of attention -- even if it means waking a slumbering sibling. After all, you can't be the center of attention if no one is paying attention to you! So read along and see which silly sister prevails!

About the Author

Mike Kurilovitch is an author/educator who lives in Niagara Falls, NY. He began his writing career as a sport reporter for his hometown Niagara Falls Gazette, later moving on to cover the public safety and education beats, as well as a stint in the features department. He has won numerous writing awards at the local, state and national levels, including a pair of prestigious Silver Gavel Awards from the American Bar Association for his in-depth writing on the issues of drunken driving and child abuse. He currently writes for The Buffalo News, and works as a teaching assistant in the Niagara Falls City School District. He has worked at the elementary level for the past 15 years, assisting learning-impaired children, and during that time has noted the types and styles of children's books currently available, and which are most popular with the children. He is using that information to assemble his own children's book series, called "The Alliterative Alphabet," in which he will take ordinary tales of childhood and tell them in extraordinary ways, making them memorable for children. In addition to alliteration, he intends to incorporate various styles of poetry in his story tellilng, all with the goal of creating stories that not only appeal to a child's curiosity, but also instill in that child the desire to write (and illustrate) similar stories of their own. In addition to being a writer for more than 30 years now, Mr. Kurilovitch is also an avid reader, citing Dr. Seuss as his greatest influence. He would love nothing more than to provide for children a foundation in reading based in the wondrous worlds of Seussian creatures. He has been married for 30 years and has two adult children and two adult American Bulldogs who demand a great deal of his time.