Temporary Arrangements

Stories by

by J.N. Hyatt



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 28/03/2012

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 220
ISBN : 9781468502039

About the Book

We measure our lives in seconds, minutes, hours, days, months and years, but never does time move at the same pace. As the years add up, we can look back on moments that lasted too long or not nearly long enough. Marriage vows evaporate. Children nurse parents. Beloved landscapes become the cause of our deaths. No matter how hard we seek permanence, everything changes, everything is a temporary arrangement. Can we string together the good times into webs of bright shining moments? Can we make art out of change? Can we reap the fruits of our labors, or will our stories fade like our names?

This collection of stories describes the hopes and desires of the characters in those moments when they resist changes to what they hold important. They succeed if only for a moment but acquire new understanding in the process. What else is there to gained from our lives?

Jane Hyatt grew up on a dairy farm in New Jersey, taught English in Indiana and New Mexico, and has now retired to write fiction in the Land Of Enchantment where the horizons are truly amazing.

About the Author

J.N. Hyatt has taught English for enough years that she does not waste her readers time or energy.