Mood Swings

"Real Issues In Life"

by Tonette C. Robinson



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 30/10/2013

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 114
ISBN : 9781491830116
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 114
ISBN : 9781491830369

About the Book

“The contents of Mood Swings, “Real Issues In Life,” explains how people in society can possibly deal with their own moods felt throughout their lifetimes. This piece of literature provides valuable information to some of the everyday problems that some citizens face in reality beyond their control. Facts are full of information gained by reading the knowledge on the subject matter expressed to you. As we become familiar with all different kinds of mood swings involving real issues we encounter in our personal and professional lives, they have a tendency to develop at any given time. However, when this emotion transpires on an individual, at the cost of noone person's own faults, we do not always know what the implication of exactly how it tends to invade one person's life will turn out to be. While these issues develop, it is a helpful tool to know how to handle them in life that gets you over obstacles, so that your situation improves for the betterment of human mankind. Mood Swings, “Real Issues In Life,” is intended for any one sole person to be informed and inspired after reading the chapters that some people encounter in their daily walks of life. This piece of literature's sole purpose is to give some insight, intuitive, knowledge. After reading the information that it provides to many people around the world, you will be able to handle any kind of mood swing when it develops systematically and be happy with the results.”

About the Author

The Author's Corner… Tonette C. Robinson is a native of Milwaukee Wisconsin. Her former education is with the Milwaukee Public School system. In the recent past, she attended two community colleges, and graduated in September of 2004, and March of 1998. In the near future, another educational goal of this author is to pursue a Master's Degree in English with an emphasis on Creative Writing. She really enjoys writing books and feels that she has been blessed with a God-given talent to pursue a career in a writing path she has chosen to lead in her life at this point and time. This author had her first book, “Woman on the Edge” accredited to her name in (2012). Her passion and love for writing makes her wishes come true. She desires to pursue other books to write in the near future. She loves spending time with her family and receives inspiration from her two grown-up children, Alexis and Carl. A born-again Christian at Zion Hill Missionary Baptist Church located in Milwaukee Wisconsin was an uplifting experience to be able to be in attendance every Sunday. This author would like to extend a personal thanks to the publics that have read her books.