Life Defining Poems

The 2nd Half!

by Stuart Skeete



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 13/02/2015

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 116
ISBN : 9781504937108

About the Book

This is the second accomplished project of compiled poems from Mr. Stuart Skeete. If you have enjoyed ‘IT’S A GOAL! MY LIFE’S POETRY’, then this assortment of poems will interest likeminded readers. Just remember that VICTORY is there for those who want it, despite the many obstacles we face every day.

About the Author

Stuart Skeete was born in England. He went to school and stayed in the Caribbean for 7 years, where he developed his talent in writing. Throughout his negative experiences in his school life, that triggered him to receive the inspiration to start writing poetry. The first poem that he wrote was entitled “The Emotion.” The author would like to thank the readers for involving themselves on the book, and he hopes that whatever negative experiences they are going through, there is a positive way out. JUST BELIEVE.