Reach Your Weight Loss Destiny and Keep Your SKINNY Victory!

Stop the Diet and Learn to Live-it!

by Bernita Scott Weston



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 31/10/2012

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x11
Page Count : 100
ISBN : 9781477274521

About the Book

In 2005 she weighed in at 246 pounds and was labeled clinically obese. Not long after she was diagnosed with hypertension. Feeling both defeated and deflated it was time to live healthy. Many years of eating the wrong foods, lack of exercise and nutrition finally caught up with her. After seeing a research study that 95 to 97 percent of people, who lose weight gain it back, plus more within 2 to 4 years, she was determined to beat the odds. With extensive research, education, trial and error and nearly 2 years later, she loses 96 pounds and is taken off of blood pressure medication for good. Keeping the weight off now for nearly 6 years she has proven that statistics don't dictate her future. She shares the real reason for obesity and why many people struggle keeping the weight off!

About the Author

Writing since the tender age of 9 now at 43 Bernita could hardly contain herself when God called her to the ministry of teaching and writing full time. After many months of meditating, praying, and trusting God, He answers her prayers. Stepping out on faith in August 2012, she fearlessly bids Corporate America farewell. Leaving her good paying job with the workforce and after dedicating 21 years in customer service and marketing, she was finally free to fully commit to the call God placed on her life. As an author her writings are inspired and based on her own personal hardships, tragedies and testimonies. She openly shares her life's battles, her smiles and her trials as only she can do. Her unique style of writing offers hope, encouragement, education and inspiration to all ages. As a weight loss expert, her first book “Reach Your Weight Loss Destiny and Keep Your SKINNY Victory” is based on her personal life story on how she lost 96 pounds and kept it off for 6 years! Her second book "How to Count it All Joy When Faced With Insurmountable Circumstances", came at a high price when she and her husband loss their home and everything they own to what was dubbed the flood of the century in 2009! Her faith and passion keep her strong.