What Is Love?

GOD is Love and he who does not love does not know GOD

by Marcella A. Spence



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 03/03/2014

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 92
ISBN : 9781491816684

About the Book

From as young as we can remember many of us have heard the words I Love You. As we are growing we use them too. To family, friends, acquaintances, lovers etc. Just stop and think, what is love? Where did it come from and where did it begin. Many of us are hurt in some way by family, friends and strangers. Is there a difference in who loves us? Does it hurt differently when it is a stranger compared to someone we know? Many say the Bible is a love story or a love letter. I agree. If you take the time you too will agree if you do not already know. There is much to learn about love. Read on. Read with and open mind and more important an open heart. God truly, truly loves you.

About the Author

Without the experience that I had I would not know what it is to be rooted deeply in God's Love or grounded securely on His Love. I would not have come to know the breadth, the length, the height and true depth of God's Love. Without the Love of God there is absolutely nothing that you can overcome. With His Love comes all the things that you need to make you better, stronger and more at peace. That peace that has no understanding. There is no love like God's Love. It is intense, it has no restrictions, it is extreme and it is in great detail.