Lessons of Life

by Evan W. Jones



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 08/11/2013

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 74
ISBN : 9781491831748

About the Book

My name is Evan W. Jones the author of Rise from the Ashes. This book is a prelude from Rise from the Ashes, and you will read a mixture of poetry that I have written from my lessons of life. All of which are from military, law enforcement, relation to religion, family and love.

About the Author

Author Evan W Jones; I was born and raised in Chester Virginia. I was fortunate to have two parents that pushed me in every aspect of life, and to accomplish anything that I strived for. I will say my life has been a heartbeat away from losing my mind, but my three boys have given me the energy to keep striving for my goals. In my spare time I love to bass fish, spend time with my kids, my dogs, and to enjoy what we all take for granted these days.