My Faith Abound

by Allene Lewis



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 11/02/2014

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 80
ISBN : 9781491820698

About the Book

This is a story of faith. I'll use my Journey during medical crisis within these pages and for everyone who is in doubt about their faith; I hope this will shake them into to knowing that "Faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen. Hebrews 11:1. I can only hope that the reader will grab from this experience that it is faith that I clanged too. So God gets the total victory. Several years ago, God blessed me to write "Hearing God Over all the Madness: Trusting God for Everything". That was a period in which my life was hearing from God, not in a sense of hearing voices but hearing through his word and actions of people and things situated around me. Since that time I have found myself in a struggle of some sort. I thank God for allowing me the opportunity to meet people every day and to learn from such meetings. I have truly learned that no matter what your situation is one must keep the faith. Without it, there is no way you will survive. My faith abounds because I have faith that all I do that is good, Faith doth abound. From making personalized cards to a Scrapbook DVD. I know that God gives me faith to be creative and produce a product of excellence. “Faith Without work is dead." Now I am about to embark on a journey I never dreamed I'd be in. Truly my faith abound as I hear God over this madness...Cancer!

About the Author

A native of Atlanta Georgia, married to Deacon Cary Lewis Sr. for over 42+ years; the mother to four adult children and grandmother to eight grandchildren. An active member of The Second Mount Vernon Baptist Church located in Atlanta GA. Allene serves on the Choir Ministry, Deaconess Ministry, Drama Ministry and Christian Education Ministry. Allene has earned a degree in Business Administration as an adult student and graduated Magna Cum Laude with a GPA 3.70. Allene presently works with GA. EPD. Hobbies are many, but singing, gift card design, writing and wedding coordinator are her favorites. One of the milestones of achievement for Allene is being a published Author. Her book titled “Hearing God over All the Madness” is her take on “life’s circumstances that alter our steps, yet through all things, recognizing that faith in God delivers us”. Allene’s desire is for all who partake of those written words to be motivated to press on and allow God’s voice to minister totally in their lives. Allene’s journey through her Cancer challenged is what inspired her to write “My Faith Abound.” Knowing that many have had to deal with Cancer, Allene want the readers to know that in spite of your challenge with cancer, LIVE! Allene’s favorite scripture is found in Hebrews 11:1 "Now, faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen”. Allene gives God all the glory for her achievements. Allene recognizes that she is a work in progress; God is not finished with her yet. Each day God is preparing her to continually be in his will. Allene’s life motto is “I never meet a stranger”