Roz' Little Manual For Surviving Potholes

by Rosalind W. Johnson



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 24/04/2014

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 128
ISBN : 9781491842423

About the Book

Do you ever wonder why some people are so successful in their life pursuits? They reach every goal they set. These people have mastered skills that always lead to success. Study this little manual carefully and you two will find the roadmap for your own success. On your journey to goal fulfillment learn to use your personal power with the specific skills in this little manual. It contains rock-solid principles, universal laws, everyday actions and commonsense behaviors that transform hope and dreams into reality.

About the Author

Rosalind is an attorney who has made setting and achieving goals her life’s purpose. This little manual is her third book. It is filled with all the principles and skills she has learned and used to power the successes in her life.