Adventures of Wyatt West

Wyatt West Books - Books that Teach

by W. Todd Lindsay



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 03/01/2014

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x11
Page Count : 42
ISBN : 9781491845080

About the Book

Wyatt West is a fictional Character in realistic situations. Most of the stories are from memories of my family and friends. Ranch and farm life is a totally different life from that of a kid that lives in a city. So with the Wyatt West series, people can learn what ranch life is like. Many people cannot believe that there is anything to do in the country. They think life would be boring without the city lights, malls, game rooms, parks and many other activities to try to keep youth busy in a city. In the country kids with free time make their own fun. There are horses to ride, and miles of land to explore. Fun can be found with imagination and curiosity. Safety is usually not a big concern because the kids learn from an early age the dangers of certain critters and equipment that can be around a ranch or farm. Country kids learn to be respectful of adults and more self dependent from an early age. It really is not much effort for a young person on a ranch to be responsible for the care and management of a horse. Most kids in the country are expected to help with their part of chores, and work around a ranch or farm. It takes a family to manage a ranch or farm in today’s economy.

About the Author

Todd Lindsay grew up a cowboy in Carrizozo, New Mexico, he learned about ranching from his good friends the McKinley family. He started helping the McKinley’s on their New Mexico ranches at age 11. He still maintains his friendship and helps them on their ranches whenever possible. Todd is the Athletic/Transportation Director in the Truth or Consequences Municipal Schools, where he lives with his wife Shelley. His daughter Tawney and Son in law Lance live in Canyon, Texas. His son Wyatt is in College at Odessa College, Texas attending on a rodeo scholarship. Todd was a member of the PRCA where he competed in the Steer Wrestling event; he has a master degree in education and has served proudly in the U.S. Navy. He now enjoys ranching, raising horses and rodeoing with his kids. His new hobby is writing the Wyatt West series to help young people understand and appreciate the cowboy life.