132 Days Away From Life

A novel by Jaimie Deling

by Jaimie Deling



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 11/10/2016

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 288
ISBN : 9781491895764

About the Book

Taboo, infinite and explicit desires about how we should live our lives, each one of us indeed have them deep inside of us. The only constraint remain the rules and ‘socially and politically” “correct” attitude that this system of ours lead us in. But just allow yourself to think for an instant that all our dreams or even “fantasy dreams” was “allowed” and normal to the society. This book is all about it, living like one would never dare even utter to anyone about. But yet you get this feeling that somewhere it would be fake and disastrous, without any boundaries to our behaviours towards ourselves and others. Jamie Deling takes us to a tempting world, to lust and pain and deep agony in the world of those souls that goes unnoticed in everyday’s world, in our world Not when we do socialize and feel and act “normal” but we in our deepest intimacy, in the loo early morning, alone in the bus or in the tube, with no one to speak to but to ourselves, to our minds, where creation and confessions all merge to be the perfect “ourselves”, that is a complex soul fighting to be infused in this society ruled by media and injustice. This book allows us to surpass our intimacy and most importantly prove that despite civilization, we are all exceptional and different to each other and society will never be able to direct our inner feelings and thoughts, it reaches only till our physical appearance. Life ain’t not just about what is correct, it is about us.

About the Author

Jamie Deling, thinking about this genius born sometime in 1979, a great year always brings some terrific feelings of joy, craziness and infinite sorrow as well. Having always been the brightest student, his love for art showed through music, abstract paintings, books and films. This first book of his remains not only his most cherished creation at the young age of twenty but the goal of his existence, his world, the one he used to live in, just like all of us lost souls on this hectic planet, just like the world a kid frames in his mind from the day he is born. Jamie spent the last three years of his life writing this wonderful masterpiece: his dream, the reason of his existence. He was the most artistic human I’ve known alive, altogether spreading wisdom and intelligence to whomever he would meet. Creation is not within everyone’s grasp, he is indeed firmly that and finally achieved his only dream making us believe that even if we are from such a tiny dot on the world map like Mauritius, creation is everywhere.