Train Ride To Destiny

A Time To Laugh, A Time To Cry

by Zeena Marie Grace



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 19/05/2014

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 686
ISBN : 9781491873052

About the Book

This book has it all -- Drama! Romance! Comedy! Crime! Tears and fears! It is the story of my life -- from the gory to the glory – the glory of Christ and His merciful salvation! Between these covers you will see both victory and defeat in my bumpy journey that has brought me to all-out surrender to Christ.

About the Author

I am an ambassador of Christ as is each one of us who embrace Him and represent His cause. When I think of an ambassador, I think of someone far more noble than myself, but because of Christ’s shed blood, I am made worthy to proclaim His glorious gospel. He is my reputation, my identity, my righteousness. Without Him I am lost without a Shepherd, but with Him I am an over comer, an heir, and a child of Almighty God. And as long as I shall live on this earth, with every breath that is within me, I want to proclaim the good news of His salvation to all who will listen. I want to hear the heart’s cry of others. I want your needs to become my prayers.