
Book of Blood

by Dallas S. Paskell



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 23/12/2014

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 806
ISBN : 9781496960122

About the Book

Deep in the heart of the beast, Taj finds himself a slave in more ways than one and yet, he is still unyielding in his attempt to end the madness of Corvana. Corvana initially pledged war for fear that the southern pantheon of Runethedian didn’t know how to control itself and/or the magic it managed to uncover and/or otherwise harness. The war Corvana waged against the entire pantheon came to be known as “The White War” by Corvanians. Nearly all those that have walked alongside Taj Odin Xavier have fallen. Only Malakai and Giovanni remain and Giovanni is not always the most accountable person. Allies from the Northern land, from Corvana are made and a united people under new leadership fight together, refusing to be divided by a common enemy far greater than even Raino Shadowblood, the last Forsaken. In the end, Thedia is forever changed and the lands of the world become even more calloused. Are the sins of the father truly past to the son? When the door on Taj’s quest is finally shut, another opens when his sons Legion and Dauge and his daughter Dusk set out on an adventure of their own. Perhaps they seek fame and fortune or perhaps the answer to the lone question. “Do we belong in the Republic of New Magic or Eternis?” After all, they were all raised in the Republic but their origins are divided. Will Taj see them grow and live to guide them through the mistakes he made or will he die somewhere amidst the smoke of a scarred land, never to see home again? Perhaps he will live to an old ripe age and laugh at the thought of his father’s words to him when he was a child? Or, will it be the legacy of a fallen hero left behind guiding them? Or, maybe… just maybe… Falling Star proves too great of a threat for the scarred world of Thedia and the entire plane is hurled into a state of Darkness, where the shadow reigns supreme forever?

About the Author

Dallas returns with the third installment of the Medieval series with Book of blood. After his first book was released,(Medieval: The Book of Loss) he took time off to hone his skills and focus on continuing his story and setting. He released Medieval: Book of War a few years later. And now, the third installment, Medieval: Book of Blood is here. “I took time off to focus on finalizing my world and its origins. Runethedian, the pantheon from which the Medieval series initially takes place was finished before I ever began my series but I have three additional pantheons I had to finish for future stories. I never stopped writing. I would work on my setting and then my stories. I knew I wanted books two and three to come out relatively close together. I’m actually finished with the series’ fourth novel as it stands.
His passion for the ancient times and Fantasy, albeit it Dark or High Fantasy stems back from his childhood roots. He couldn’t wait to get home from football and/or wrestling practice to work on games he had such as dungeons and dragons, Dragonstrike or Heroquest. His creativity started early. His mother remembers him getting into these games around the age of nine.
Since the release of his first novel, he’s continued his career in mixed martial arts/combat sports as both competitor and coach. He’s actively part of Team Hoger, Paradigm Training Center, Fight Lab, and Rilion Gracie’s Jiu Jit Su and MMA school. “I was in it long before it was cool.” He says.
He also admits to being an avid Tabletop Gamer with the majority of his games taking place in the same world he writes in, Thedia. “I’ve had help with its development. It was a real honor when other people asked me for information on my world because they wanted to use it as a setting for their own games.” Dallas hopes to create a collection of different series that take place all over his world. He hopes to explore Nevermore relatively soon. He says he is also working on a collection of short stories that will take place in all four pantheons: Runethedian, Nevermore, Alecrast and Corvana.
Dungeons and Dragons was an out for him, he was the only athlete he remembers playing such games. “I had two groups of friends growing up” he said, “and I loved them both.”