Bringing Forth the Sons of God

Walking in Spiritual Maturity

by Bishop Audrey Drummonds Ph.D.



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 12/10/2015

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 106
ISBN : 9781504954112

About the Book

When Jesus said, “It is finished,” was he just making a way for personal salvation with God, or was there a bigger picture that the church has been in the dark about…until NOW? Should we expect love, peace, and joy now or just hang on till we someday get to heaven? John 14:12 says, “Verily, verily, I say unto you, he that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.” God is opening gates with a declaration to the world that today is the day of salvation, which is the Greek word SOZO meaning: health, prosperity, wholeness, and peace. His mansions are NOW adorned with the beauty of light. His feet are NOW walking streets of gold. Behold, the lamb has taken away the sins of the world. He is calling ALL to come and claim their inheritance set before them as the Sons of God, and to grow up in their true identity, to BE the mature in Christ. We are being commissioned by the Holy Spirit that TODAY the Eternal Life, Love, and Light of our Heavenly Father is in our midst to be manifested. Bringing Forth the Sons of God will bring hope and encouragement to a troubled world that we don’t have to hang on till we die to receive our inheritance from the Father. We can NOW enter into His presence and receive our inheritance

About the Author

Bishop Audrey Drummonds is the founder and director of Interior Coverings Ministry and Outreach Missions in Groveland, Florida since 2002. She has a PH.D. in Religious Philosophy and Master’s of Divinity from Tabernacle Bible College & Seminary, with a Bachelors from Liberty University. She is the presiding Bishop of the World Communion of Christian Celtic Convergence Churches into the USA. Ministry has taken her into over 40 countries including: Israel, Greece, Turkey, Peru, India, Kenya, Philippines, India, Canada, England, Mexico, Honduras, and Russia. She writes, lectures, teaches, and speaks for Interior Coverings Ministry and the WCCC. She resides with her husband in Florida.