Gnats in the 'Bacce Patch

And Other Tales from Dumplin’ Valley

by John W. Lee



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 28/06/2016

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 74
ISBN : 9781524614805

About the Book

Farm work? Well, if you’re a teenage boy who grew up in the big city, in the mid ’60’s, it’s an experience. There are stories to tell and characters to meet. Hosey Camp, Mouse, Uncle Millard, and others had an impact that was not always predictable on an impressionable, naïve kid from Atlanta, Georgia. Those days are gone. They don’t farm like that no more. The family farm, to a great extent, has been replaced by mega cooperatives. But the memories remain, the tales last, and the characters (if they still exist) are hard to find. Yes, the tales are true…well, mostly true. The characters are real and Dumplin’ Valley is a real place. Gnats in the ‘Bacce Patch is a whimsical, and humorous glance at lessons learned and life experienced by a teenage kid over 50 years ago.

About the Author

John W. Lee is a retired executive who lives with his wife in Wears Valley, near Knoxville, Tennessee.