
My Oasis

by Terry Dobson



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 04/02/2016

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 414
ISBN : 9781504997805
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 414
ISBN : 9781504997812

About the Book

Author tells story of renovating home, fighting for its survival

Terry Dobson releases second book, 'Abri'

WAKEFIELD, England - Recounting the story of working to save his family's home, author Terry Dobson releases his new book, "Abri: My Oasis" (published by AuthorHouse UK). The book is a series of stories bringing together the ups and downs and day-to-day family life as Dobson attempts to save their Abri, or shelter.

The home was a love-at-first-sight love affair between the author and the bricks and mortar, as the property was in a terrible state, boarded up and desolate, with the owners unaware of its dilapidated and deteriorating condition. The author began to tirelessly and passionately restore the property so it could once again become a treasured family home.

However, Dobson found he would also have to fight for the home when developers launched an initiative to construct as many as 80 homes on the same land. The green-belt-land designation was removed, making the land subject to development. Dobson says this is happening because the current United Kingdom political agenda is to build more affordable homes.

"This action is removing surrounding countryside by the acre," he says, "however, my story is unique in the fact that it is my life, my family with all its limitations is attempting to fight the cause."


By Terry Dobson

Hardcover | 6 x 9in | 414 pages | ISBN 9781504997812

Softcover | 6 x 9in | 414 pages | ISBN 9781504997805

E-Book | 414 pages | ISBN 9781504997829

Also available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble

About the Author

An Englishman’s home is his castle, a safe haven, a place of sanctuary, a very true statement indeed. If it is, a house, flat or bungalow, small or very large and you own it outright, incredible… On the other hand, you may have acquired an enormous loan, large or tiny mortgage or paying a low or extremely high rent or own it outright to live there... Whatever or wherever the property is located. It is your home, your castle, your Abri. This story is about just that, a structure, and a home, a home with a family and all its limitations… Not just any home, an architecturally designed bungalow constructed for the owner some 57 years ago and resurrected from certain devastation from the hands of despicable vandals by the author. Stood there, void, boarded up, ransacked, and dejected, for over four years, waiting, waiting… Waiting for that special someone to save it! The Author now living in harmony with the unique countryside surroundings for over four years, until… The time has come to fight and save it once again.