When Shadows Come Home

by O. G. Diaz



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 02/11/2016

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 328
ISBN : 9781524648008
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 328
ISBN : 9781524647995

About the Book

The beautiful widow, Maria Angela Alvarez Candelaria, attains the pinnacle of happiness available to an early eighteen century woman: wealth, travel, adventure, prestige, a devoted husband and a beautiful family. These are fulfillments few women of her era dare to dream and she has garnered them all. But suddenly, a new interest unexpectedly burst into her life. It is a new love and one that threatens all the achievements that have brought her the pronounced level of happiness that she enjoys. As Eve took that taste of the forbidden fruit, Angela abandons herself to a decadent fantasy. The romance and action introduced in the fictional account, Shadows Under the Sun, continues in this sequel. The lives of Angela and Alejandro Luis De La Voca Rivera once again cross each other to face the challenges and pleasures of their contemporary lives. A distinct contrast is present in their approach to life. One adheres to a service tradition of purpose to life, and the other, a self-indulgent approach. Their differing styles clash as their lives once again intertwine amidst the corruption and ills of their social ruling class.

About the Author

The author used New Mexico as the setting for his first historical novel, Shadows Under the Sun. It is a location that the author has a fondness for and also for its people. In this sequel to that fictional story, he shifts locations to two older communities of people that he has visited and also has fond memories of both.