Overcoming a Life Destroyed

The Devastating Impact of Mental Illness: How It Took My Son's Life and Almost Mine

by Jill D'Arpino



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 23/06/2020

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 90
ISBN : 9781728351315

About the Book

SUICIDE The word suicide caught your attention, didn’t it? The truth is suicide catches everyone’s attention. It’s the actions that lead up to suicide that go unnoticed. Suicide. A powerful word. Over 1,000,000 people worldwide die from suicide each year. Research suggests that for every suicide, as many as 115 people in each victim’s circle are affected, creating a ripple effect. Suicide impacts 115 million people each year! My son was one of those million individuals. In this book, you will learn the shocking, escalating relationship between mental illness and suicide. Suicide and mental illness do not discriminate. In 2017, an estimated 11.2 million adults in the US aged 18 and older suffered from a serious mental illness (SMI). That amounts to a staggering 4.5% of all US adults! Untreated depression is the number one cause of suicide. People who are contemplating suicide, either actively or passively, need someone to care enough to ask them, “Are you ok?” For most that suffer, that is all they need. As members of society, can we seek to become more aware of their anguish and possible help? The answer is “Yes,” and in this book, I provide some suggestions on how to do that. I’ve written not only about my son’s suicide, but also about my journey with depression, PTSD, passive suicidal ideation, and what I did to stay alive. I hope that my story can help those who have mental illness as well as share helpful information with suicide loss survivors as they pass through the Aftermath of Suicide. We are survivors – you are a survivor!

About the Author

Jill D’Arpino is a mental health advocate and public speaker whose goal in life is to educate people of the dangers of untreated mental illness and the correlation with suicide and what we as a society can do on our part to help save a life. The 40% rise in suicide is astounding. Since the death of her son, and the depression/PTSD that she suffers from since his death, she is dedicating her life to helping others’. Mental illness is a silent killer and many are too embarrassed to ask for help or feel a burden to their loved ones. She wants to help change how society looks at mental illness. Jill now lives in New jersey with her partner Joe, who is a Life Coach and her rock. She also has a daughter Nicole, both are her life savers.