Life through light and shadows
"I would prefer in life A quiet minority To a loud majority"
Book Details
About the Book
Ian lovell was born, 1973 , Leicester, England Within the poetry I write, I try to reflect on what's going on, in and around everyday life. Be it within me or others I see. I try and interpret their situation, on the way I see it. As I did with my 1st book ( Realm of reality rhyme and dream) I enjoy the process of creating through poetry, the things I experience through life. Light and dark, Love and hate Joy and Pain. From travel to the pandemic, History to Mental health, etc. I also like to express myself through music. Currently i have 3 albums. Open road, Don't let go and Songs from the Lockdown, along with a single walk beneath the moon. I draw parallels between songwriting and Poetry, both of which I can go to anytime. To feel totally at home