by Cynthia W. Hammer



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 02/02/2022

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 382
ISBN : 9781665550369
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 382
ISBN : 9781665550345

About the Book

Every woman makes choices but not one has made more difficult choices than Sheila Price. Sheila is a stellar caregiver who missed most of her adult life caring for her now deceased parents. She is now happily married and takes on a deadly case in the heart of New York. WHO IS AT THE DOOR? Josephina was abandoned as a child and in life such a painful event can prove to echo throughout a lifetime. She has one child whom she adores but their relationship is complicated. In possession of literally an ‘insane’ amount of wealth, Josephina is living in Manhattan with a view of Central Park. Now aged, she is a lonely widowed woman that realizes she is grappling with a sorted past. Alongside the intrusion from the need of care by round the clock caregivers. Josephina harbors a horrifying secret that threatens to blow her life apart. As caregivers are mysteriously disappearing on Monument Street, the police suspect someone has a craving for revenge and is on a caregiver killing spree. Unaware and excited to make extra money around the holidays, Sheila takes a case on Monument Street. Close to a killer, Sheila uncovers the truth and her greatest fear pits her against a mystery that may be too horrible to bear. Trapped in a psychotic world, Sheila must stay alive. In series to the novel, A Good Case, WHO IS AT THE DOOR? intertwines the trauma of people from all walks of life. This suspense thriller will have you gasping out loud keeping the lights on while you read.

About the Author

Cynthia W. Hammer is Author, Actress, and Radio Host of Hammer Away Show on Hammer Media, YouTube, and I-Heart Radio. She is a member of the SCBWI, WNBA, and has won many awards such as the Paradise Award and was a Baker book finalist. Cynthia has joined IMDB adding to her acting credits, A Merry Christmas Match, Old Flames, Mirror-Mirror, and Much Love. The author has made front page headlines and has signed her novels in over 43 cities across the United States. Cynthia W. Hammer lives bi-coastal spending her time between L.A. and South Carolina. Her novels The Seven Rivers, A Good Case, and Iceburg are available at AuthorHouse and other online retailers.