TAROT: A New Approach for Beginners

by Edouard Ponist



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 13/04/2022

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x11
Page Count : 70
ISBN : 9781665556859

About the Book

Aleister Crowley designed “The Tarot-General Attributions” Page 268 in his book The Book of Thoth for his Thoth Tarot. “The Tree” itself can be used as well for the Rider-Waite deck successfully, enriching the reading and giving the client a snapshot of the Celtic Cross spread regarding the main concern, Card #1 in the here and now. Emphasis is placed in developing a relationship with the cards versus relying on “book descriptions”. Difficult cards are explained as well as Court Cards and how to apply them. “The Tree”, however, in Part 2 is the heart of this book applying a Celtic Cross spread which “lights up” hubs and pathways of The Tree. A reading example ties together a Celtic Cross spread with The Tree demonstrating how The Tree enriches the Celtic Cross reading. Tarot itself is explained as a serious practice which deserves respect as a divination tool.

About the Author

Ed Ponist is the author of The Cruise (under pen name Edouard Des Lauriers to honor Laurel Ponist who edited and contributed content to The Cruise) and Shemsu Hor (2021). He completed the basic course in Astrology April 28th, 2001, through the Academy of Astrology in Lansing, Michigan. Since then, Ed studied deeply the Rider-Waite Tarot deck and upon retiring as an RN began to attend Psychic Shows in Michigan as a Tarot reader. One year before Covid 19 hit Ed also conducted a class on Tarot. Ed graduated from Michigan State University with a BA in French Literature and completed the RN Course at Lansing Community College. Previously married with two children, currently married to Laurel and one stepson. Lives currently in East Lansing Michigan.