Neuts, Neuds and Alphas
A post-apocalypse novel
Book Details
About the Book
This is a story of good and evil, of Christian endeavours and scientific triumphs, of love and despair, but above all of hope for the future. Set in 2066 in West Yorkshire, the story follows the lives of a 12-pod community of survivors of a global plague. The community is led by neurodivergent people (neuds for short); an alpha is in charge of each pod. Neurotypical people, (neuts) were chosen for inclusion in the pods because of their practical skills and ability to perform the manual tasks that the neuds find boring and difficult. A variety of characters and conversations lead the plot, with minimal descriptions to allow reader imagination to take hold. The community has survived for 16 years since the great plague but now is a time of great change. Many challenges will have to be faced as both neuds and neuts come to terms with treachery, long hidden secrets and fear of moving out of the comfort that small pods offer.
About the Author
Julie Taylor is a first-time author with a story that had to be told as it wouldn’t leave her alone. A retired teacher and now a Methodist Local Preacher she loves family and faith time in equal measures enjoying Cryptic crosswords and most puzzles.