Main Street Melody

The magic is in the music and the music is on Main

by Stephen W. Hoag Ph.D.



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 10/09/2023

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 158
ISBN : 9798823014373
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 158
ISBN : 9798823014366

About the Book

Main Street Melody is an uninhibited, melodramatic novel of love and romance that speaks to the intrinsic sway of … music. MELODY reveals the power of music. Often, just the first few bars of a tune can revive a memory of many decades ago or almost magically flip an internal switch, changing despair into joy and loneliness into a swath of warmth. No other domain in our society has that capacity and that personal impact. Music, in its many forms, meets the “needs” of every person in every demographic category. The teenage and adult characters in this textured novel of the age of innocence will touch your heart in endless ways from the tenderness of a first kiss, to the nefarious pranks of unfettered youth. In each moment of wonderment there will be music as you have never experienced it before. From the echoes of car radios, to the magnificent sound of a concert band, the creative excitement of a garage band to that singular voice, that when heard just once can never be forgotten. The purported calculable components of life are often capricious, as one can never count on the preciseness of happenstance. Such are the purported necessities of life, food, water, shelter, and clothing. Indeed, each is indispensable but at the mercy of economic and environmental conditions. With all of that to contemplate in the textured world all about us, one element brings forth the dreams and memories of special moments, hope, and love, … MUSIC. The dramatic conclusion surely will convince you that MUSIC, like love, never fails, and no matter the occasion or the circumstance of life, music makes the darkest moments more tolerable and enhances the zenithal peaks of a lifetime. “Main Street” Melody will capture the fullness of your senses … and bring music to new heights in your heart.

About the Author

An innovative author, passionate educator, football coach, and mentor, Dr. Hoag was a Connecticut State Department of Education member for over 35 years. An accomplished speaker, he has entertained and thrilled audiences throughout his lifetime with his anecdotes and philosophy on teaching, parenthood, athletic coaching, and student leadership. Dr. Hoag has received state and national recognition for teaching, coaching, education assessment, and community service. Of the many awards, Dr. Hoag was the recipient of the national 2008 C. Thomas Olivio Award, presented to one person annually for leadership and creativity in student assessment by the National Occupational Competency Testing Institute. In 2013 Dr. Hoag was honored with the Silver Eagle Award of the Connecticut Council of Deliberation for “sterling service to uplift humanity”; and the 2016 Outstanding Community Service Award by the Urban League of Greater Hartford. Dr. Hoag created and directed the groundbreaking Developing Tomorrow’s Professionals (DTP) program for Black and Hispanic young men. Stephen Hoag is the author of “A Son’s Handbook, Bringing Up Mom with Alzheimer’s/Dementia,” a stirring personal account of his ten years caring for his mother with this dreaded disease. Dr. Hoag’s romantic novel, “Whisper of a Kiss,” was released in 2018 with the inspirational moving book “Vows” in 2020, winning acclaim for its emotional acumen and encouraging approach to understanding one person’s impact on another. His 2021 book, “Before the Picture Fades,” is a historical account of the hundred-plus-year life of Wallingford, Connecticut’s Lyman Hall High School, detailing the most dramatic athletic moment in Connecticut schoolboy history. In 2022, the first of the “Main Street” trilogy was released, gaining national literary plaudits. The third book of the triology, “Main Street Moment,” is scheduled for release in 2024.