Kooshma's Dabria

by Dytania Johnson



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 23/07/2024

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 224
ISBN : 9798823016100

About the Book

Kooshma’s Dabria was written as a spin off to the first two series Kooshma: The Origin and Kooshma: Reborn. The folklore surrounding Kooshma is a generational one, but no one created or painted the pictures quite like I did. As you read the story, you will see that anyone could be Dabria, and the battle between good and evil does exist. The same way Dabria terrorizes her adoptive family in this trilogy is the same way that when you think that everything’s ok bodies began to drop until somehow you can find a reasonable explanation if you survive.

About the Author

Dytania Johnson continues to push the envelope with new written materials. The books that he has already published has encapsulated a buzz within his community of New Iberia,La and has started reaching beyond his expectations. The 2 children’s books that are available on Amazon.com called The Missing Naughty List and Crawdad Goes to Cajun Hospital is only the beginning of his journey. Not being bound to only one genre his most successful works are in the historical fiction category. His first book Kooshma: The Origin created such a buzz he was asked to do multiple interviews which can be found on YouTube and book signings than spanned from Louisiana to other surrounding states. Kooshma: The Origin is the first of the trilogy published in 2017 the second book Kooshma: Reborn also available on Amazon.com publication 2019 and now Kooshma’s DABRIA has continued to be captivating as expected.