
by Patrick Marks



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 19/12/2023

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 76
ISBN : 9798823085465

About the Book

Since I became a Christian the great love of GOD ,His Son JESUS ,and the HOLY SPIRIT Has inspired me to write poems in reverence to THEM, and also as evangelistic poems and songs To draw , appeal, make my fellow man aware of the Love of GOD ,and the need to come to GOD For salvation. Additionally , I have composed other poems in tribute, "BRIAN", as requested, "The Flowers of BELFAST", and fond encounters ,"My "Hollow "Ducks, lastly poem engendered by The sight of dead soldiers conveyed home in coffins from needless wars, and observing the laying of wreaths on REMEMBRANCE DAY by premiers who have sent soldiers to careless DEATH, "As if you care".

About the Author