The Great Equalizer

by Dr. John D. McConnell



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 20/06/2024

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 210
ISBN : 9798823028301

About the Book

Time is what every living organism has in common. In cycles we are infused in the Earth as God‘s big experiment. Who we are, and what we will become is all part of interactive discovery. Although our interdependence with all species is mandatory, many of those connections will never fully be comprehended. Unfortunately, what we don’t understand, we can’t appreciate. The pages in this book will shine a light on the obscurity of our link with time. We are a major creation, but absent of knowing the intent of our creator - our expectations are minor. With the insight of Dr. John McConnell, begin to see yourself in relationship to time as a non-renewable resource.

About the Author

Dr. John David McConnell is the owner of Prolyric Productions Publishing Company. Born and raised in Kansas City Kansas, John received his Bachelor of Science degree at Saint Mary College in Leavenworth, Kansas. John taught grades 2 through 8 over the span of his 27-year career as a public-school educator. 20 of those years were with the Houston Independent School District. In 2016 John received his doctorate in sacred music from Christian Bible Institute & Seminary. His war chest of badges includes Christian, father of two sons, educator, actor, singer, songwriter, worship-leader, Certified Christian Counselor, and author. John exited his teaching career in 2022, and is currently pursuing his literary and songwriting careers full-time. To Contact John McConnell: Johndmac4@aol.com 832-865-0260