A Paradise of Sparrows

Poetry and Paintings

by Louisa Chan



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 20/08/2024

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x8.5
Page Count : 88
ISBN : 9798823028806

About the Book

What an ingenious integration of poetry and paintings! Louisa has provided a unique reader experience of poems packed with strong emotions and paintings that act like camera lenses capturing what usually eludes our attention. Her poems provoke deep thoughts and feelings about the extremities in human nature, compassion for oneself and others, appreciation of time and nature, and understanding of life and death issues. Here in her own words are her intentions for this publication: To me, poems are paintings put into words. My poems are laden with imageries and metaphors for the original and creative imaginations of my readers. My paintings portray some of the many possible imageries that my poems might engender, but as the audience, my readers are welcome to interpret my poems in their own unique ways and generate their own mental paintings creatively. Each reader has a right to their own deconstruction of each of my poems because each person has a different background and set of values. Instead of dictating a fixed scheme of meanings, I am very happy to see that each reader takes something different from my poems, in a self-healing and gratifying way.

About the Author

Louisa Chan is a Lecturer of academic English and creative writing at the University of Hong Kong. She is interested in singing, painting, writing and reading poems, prose, and novels in Chinese and English. She likes to write about forms of existence that often elude human attention, especially the weak and the underprivileged.