by Dr. Larry Snapp & Dr. Carol Snapp



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 12/02/2025

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.25x11
Page Count : 98
ISBN : 9798823041652

About the Book

The primary purpose of the “Beyond Divorce” curriculum, is to help you survive the process of divorce and successfully move on from it. It takes two people to create a marriage, but it only takes one to create a divorce. Sometimes, divorces are mutually agreed to, but more often than not, it is only one that really wants to call it quits and move on. Eventually, once you get your life back on track and reestablish a good vertical relationship with God, there is a good chance that God will bring someone into your life that He has chosen for you. The Snapp’s Blended Families curriculum would be the next step in helping you get your head and heart ready for that special person God brings into your life. Email: Facebook: “Blended Families Ministry” & BlendedFamilies Snapp Twitter: @BlendedFamilyAZ

About the Author